Sunday, August 15, 2010

Long & Overdue

So to begin , we have a baby on the way ! !

I am 5 1/2 months pregnant with a boy & we couldn ' t be more scared & excited all at the same time . We are looking forward to becoming parents , however I always have this overwhelming feeling of not being worthy to take on such an amazing gift from Heavenly Father . I remember right after my belly finally started to pop out & seeing my belly getting bigger , I looked down at belly & actually started talking to it . I told our baby to be that would no matter what I love him , care for him , & be the mother that he deserves to have for our eternal family . I so very much can't wait to hold him in my arms for the first time . . .


  1. Brandi! You are going to be the most wonderful mother! Seriously, those kids of yours are so lucky and are coming to an incredible family! I've always admired you and your courage and faith... as well as your sense of humor and good looks too, of course! I love ya and I can't wait to meet him!

  2. Congratulations! You will both be great parents! No one knows how to be a parent, you just pick up that little one and give them all the love you have and follow your instincts. You will all be fine! :)

  3. I LOVE ultrasound pics. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :) You guys are going to make such a cute family. No worries.
